Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another Try.....

I have to say I wasn't thrilled to learn about the out come of the Election. But now that it is, what it is, I hope President Obama, REALLY gets it, and hears what the people are crying out, all across the nation! I wrote this poem years ago, but felt it might be worth posting,in light of the where things are right now in the world. it wasn't written for this purpose, but still works......Would love to hear your input!

                                        Stand Upon the Line

It’s time to blow the trumpet, to let its warning sound,

And finally stand together, as one on hallowed ground.

Now all around the world, the evil has crept in,

And some don’t even realize they wear the face of sin.

There is a master marksman and cunning is the bow,

His quiver filled with evil, while he laughs at what he’ll sow.

He’s watching for your weakness, all targets are in place,

Each time he shoots an arrow, a soul has been erased.

He’s using all his power to catch you in the snare,

And when you’ve given hope away, he knows that you won’t care.

His face the mask of evil and wickedness his joy,

Because he has deceived the world, his goal, a soul, destroy.

The only way that he can live is to steal the life you own,

Then slowly take away your will, to make his presence known.

He changes one’s perspective, greed makes you want it all,

Know the higher up the star, much greater is the fall.

He has his own alliance; they hold his evils high,

And if you do not choose a side, they will not pass you by.

Some have lost the whisper that guides their inner light,

Because they have ignored it, they have no strength to fight.

It’s time to show your courage, to stand upon the line,

Unveil your gleaming armor and show how bright you shine.

Like soldiers in a battle, who learn to fight as one,

It will take each one of us, to lift our fallen sons.

Come stand behind God’s army and with them make your choice,

So you can hear the whisper, the sound of freedom’s voice.

Then you will have the strength to stand and join the fight,

Unveil your gleaming armor and let them see your light.

The warriors have now started, to hear the battle call,

Protected by God’s armor, for evil’s final fall.


Wendy S. Peck

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