Friday, December 28, 2012

Mag Bay


We met a cute young couple today in Mag Bay, Michael and Clair, from Kitty Hawk NC. They are on a 28ft. Sailboat, called “Splendid Isolation.” They had been there for a few days and were running out of water. I wished so bad we couldl have made some water to give them.....brave young couple.

The day has been beautiful on the water. Saw a few whales while leaving Mag Bay, but no dolphins. The water has been pretty good, a few big swells here and there, but overall great. The weather is definitely getting warmer. None of us had jackets on today and spent most of the time up on deck. Jordan threw the fishing line over again and we caught a 4 ½ ft., 40 lb., Dorado! It was amazing......

So Darrell and the boys hauled it in, took pictures and Darrell fileted the fish. Guess what we're having for dinner???

We had to kill some time for about an hour, while our buddy boat, Blackjack, had some autopilot problems. It's a miracle they were able to fix it here on the ocean...... Being out in the middle of no where with no land around hasn't bothered the kids at all. Also, Whitney's seasickness has been very little to none. She seems to only get a bit nauseous in the mornings after she's been sleeping for a while. And the fact that she hasn't stood on dry land for going on 9 days. I think she's been a champ. None of us get seasick but her and she's seemed to conquer it! So it's been great that our entire family can be camped out on deck, or hunker down below without that problem.... What can I say, we are born sailors!!! I took pictures tonight of my stove rocking back and forth with the potato concoction, while Darrell was grilling fish and shrimp from his bartering this morning. My grandmother's would be proud of home made meals in the middle of the ocean, with a stove that's rocking back and forth! And while not getting a bit seasick! I ROCK......... Literally, I rock.....LOL

While they were fileting the fish, I saw this big brown lumpy thing starting to float by, I thought it was a big piece of kelp, (which we don't see anymore), but it was a big sea turtle. I hollered and it turned and lifted it's head out of the water, just in time for Jordan to see cool.....

The heat, the fish, the turtle, and weather has lifted everyone's spirits. Being delayed with the storms and battery problems, that made the water maker none functional, & the Bimini being shredded in the scary storm, have been disheartening to say the all in all. A great day!

We should be in Cabo by 9:00 am. Cabo, here we come!!!!

I'M REALLY DOING THIS....................

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